Monday, August 24, 2020
My aim is to investigate the rate of photosynthesis from a plant in water Essay Example
My point is to examine the pace of photosynthesis from a plant in water Essay Photosynthesis is a procedure where green plants utilize the vitality of light to change over carbon dioxide and water into glucose. This is the essential vitality hotspot for practically all life forms. A result of this procedure is oxygen on which all creatures depend. In the leaves and the green stems of plants is the place photosynthesis happens, inside specific cell structures called chloroplasts. The chloroplast is partitioned by films into plate like compartments called thylakoids and installed in the layers of these is chlorophyll, a light catching shade required for photosynthesis. The chloroplast traps light vitality and changes over it to concoction vitality then hydrogen molecules help structure the glucose and afterward it is blended. Condition: Glucose + oxygen - carbon dioxide + water + vitality We will compose a custom article test on My point is to explore the pace of photosynthesis from a plant in water explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on My point is to research the pace of photosynthesis from a plant in water explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on My point is to research the pace of photosynthesis from a plant in water explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer CO H12O6 +6 O2 - 6 CO2 + H2O + ENERGY Constraining FACTORS: On the off chance that a plant is given a lot of daylight, carbon dioxide and water, the rate at which it can photosynthesise is its own capacity to retain these materials and cause them to respond. Anyway frequently plants do no have boundless supplies of these materials, thus their pace of photosynthesis isn't as high as it may be. Daylight would influence it on the grounds that a plant can't photosynthesise in obscurity, it can do it gradually in diminish light, however the higher the light force, the higher the pace of photosynthesising. At the point when it gets to its most extreme rate, no additional measure of light will cause it to go any quicker. It is the equivalent with temperature. The higher the temperature, the quicker the rate. Carbon dioxide influences the pace of photosynthesis, in light of the fact that the more it is given the quicker it can go until it arrives at its greatest rate. Something else that influences the pace of photosynthesis is whether the stomata is open. On the off chance that it is shut, at that point photosynthesis cannot occur. It closes when the climate is excessively hot, to forestall water misfortune. Reasonable TESTING: It is critical to ensure that this trial is as reasonable as conceivable in light of the fact that we have to acquire results as precise as workable for it to be effective. To keep a reasonable test we have to keep a portion of the factors the equivalent, this implies ensuring that the light is the correct good ways from the bubbling cylinder each time we test and it doesnt move when we re-test it. We additionally need to attempt to ensure that the temperature of the water doesnt change during the analysis, this is the reason we are utilizing a thermometer. The exact opposite thing we have to do is tally the air pockets that the plant will create precisely so as not to misunderstand the outcomes. We are additionally going to rehash each test multiple times with the goal that we dont get any accident results that will imperil our analysis. One thing we need to consider while doing this examination is that the air pockets will be various sizes and masses so it isn't feasible for us to get a totally exact outcome. What we are doing is a harsh gauge. Forecast: I foresee that as the light reductions as will the pace of photosynthesis. Hardware: * light * plant * ruler * brace * test tube * water * thermometer * stopwatch PLAN: First we passed out the space to ensure no other light meddled with our test, at that point we filled the test tube with water and put the plant inside it, pushing it to the base. At that point we settled on the separations that we were going to put the light from the plant. We utilized the cinch to hold the test cylinder and afterward set the light 5cms away from it and turned it on. When we turned it on we began the stopwatch and we tallied the quantity of air pockets that showed up for one moment, at that point we halted the stopwatch and recorded the outcomes in our outcomes table. We did this multiple times to ensure it was reasonable. At the point when we completed that length we moved the light ten cms from the test tube and did the examination once more. Security: There are a couple of security decides that we expected to follow cautiously, to forestall genuine injury. The light, when turned on, could get hot, which could be hazardous. Likewise the water may warm up from the extraordinary warmth from the light, so we should be mindful so as not to spill it as genuine injury could happen. Water and power don't blend so we must be cautious that our hands werent wet when turning the light on. RESULTS: 5 cm 15cm 25 cm 35 cm 45 cm first 60 41 20 15 13 (plant 1) second 52 43 32 25 19 third 67 39 26 5 1 first 35 39 24 17 16 (plant 2) second 32 29 21 17 9 third 69 61 35 26 13 first 52 30 22 21 10 (plant 3) second 50 31 20 18 11 third 47 29 19 11 2 Investigation: From my outcomes I can see that my forecast was right, as the light force builds the pace of photosynthesis increments. A plant can't photosynthesise in obscurity, the more light it is exposed to, the quicker it can photosynthesise , as I clarified before in my experience information. On my diagram of the considerable number of results, there are a couple of clearly various outcomes, however none seem as though they were that peculiar. Yet, when I put the different plants results into discrete diagrams it indicated that all the outcomes were totally extraordinary, aside from the third one since all the lines, despite the fact that they were diminishing, they were all diminishing from various measures of air pockets to another trial of a similar plant. For instance, the third test on the subsequent plant: the quantity of air pockets at five cms from the light was 69 though the other two were 35 and 32. These unusual outcomes will lopsided our normal, and it isnt an extremely reasonable trial of exactness. The main plant that had the most close to results to one another was the third plant, so on the off chance that we needed an all the more reasonable outcome we could simply average those up however then we wouldnt have a lot to contrast with. On the off chance that two out of three arrangements of results are dodgy, at that point this must mean there is some kind of problem with the manner in which we were doing our examination. From our found the middle value of chart there is an undeniable example, the quantity of air pockets delivered by the plant starts of at a high number as a rule somewhere in the range of fifty and sixty and afterward diminishes consistently until it gets to twenty five cms from the light where then it despite everything diminishes except less steeply than previously. Assessment: Our trial didnt go to well in light of the fact that in spite of the fact that we figured out how to monitor everything however much as could reasonably be expected, and we didnt get a colossal measure of monstrosity results, it still isnt a truly dependable method of testing what we needed to discover as it is excessively essential. In the event that we needed to utilize a similar strategy however improve it we could include more individuals so we would have the option to check we had tallied the air pockets accurately. Additionally we would need to control the foundation light as it would meddle with the analysis, yet we didnt have the methods for it this time. In view of every one of these issues the abnormal outcomes we got are probably going to be exactness issues when tallying the air pockets. It isnt a reasonable test to have one individual checking them all since they probably won't tally appropriately, yet a method of tackling this is to have a couple of individuals tallying with the goal that the outcomes would be increasingly accurate. The foundation lighting meddles on the grounds that it adds to the pace of photosynthesis when we need to test from a specific light power. We figured out how to keep the temperature practically the equivalent for the entire investigation, it plunged somewhere in the range of 23c and 25c, so despite the fact that we did as most ideal as, if there was a method of keeping a steady level temperature it would make the test significantly increasingly reasonable. A shockingly better method of improving this analysis would be under appropriately controlled conditions where we wouldnt need to depend on somebody tallying the air pockets, and we could utilize progressively solid instruments.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Incest and Exogamy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Inbreeding and Exogamy - Essay Example The equivocalness of the interbreeding untouchable that has for such a long time confounded anthropologists is still not delighted while it is viewed as setting up a structure of trades among discrete gatherings. As it is essentially all inclusive - a few limitations on marriage are found in every single society - the inbreeding no-no has the lack of caution of a characteristic want. Anyway since it's anything but a natural need (and Lvi-Strauss shows this amazingly convincingly by means of the instance of cross-cousin marriage, which is a craving and not a need, while equal cousin marriage is better decision as that should be possible to satisfy need and only a longing ) it participates in a law, of a social commitment. The inbreeding untouchable isn't so much an unsafe limitation on the pool of marriage accomplices as a confirmation that one gathering will gives its little girls to another gathering to satisfy the necessities , as long as that the other gathering does likewise. For Lvi-Strauss - and this is generally fundamental for family hypothesis - the interbreeding untouchable keeps the conjugal family from kicking the bucket in on itself just as offers affirmation to the way that the more extensive society will take inclination over the family by methods for wedding outside the family this gathering could be called non-family gatherings. Insightfully, interbreeding poses a basic inquiry of our evolving mores: not exactly what is ordinary just as what is degenerate, it additionally inquires as to whether such an incredible concept as aberrance truly exists at all in the r
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Why Did My Credit Score Drop
Why Did My Credit Score Drop Why Did My Credit Score Drop? Why Did My Credit Score Drop?Let’s count it down! Here are five reasons your score may have taken a hit.You know your credit score is important. Maybe you have known that for a long time, or maybe you learned it while reading an informative article on the OppLoans Blog.Regardless, even if you know the importance of your credit score for obtaining things like personal loans; credit cards; an apartment; and in some cases, a job; do you know what tends to make it drop?Missing bills or misusing credit are not the only mishaps that will ding your credit score. There are unexpected factors that can cause your credit score to drop, as you likely surmised from the title of this article. Here are five of them.No. 1: Closing a card or accountVariety is the spice of life. It also helps when it comes to your credit score.“Credit cards, bank loans, and mortgages can all add diversity to your credit,†said Logan Allec, CPA, owner of personal finance website Money Done Right. “If you have all of your credit concentrated on one credit card, however, you can hurt your credit. To avoid this impact, make sure to diversify your credit with at least multiple credit cards.†Of course, if you are going to have more than one credit card, make sure you are able to pay off your balances each month to avoid accruing more debt, falling into a debt spiral, and negatively impacting your credit score.With this in mind, you need to be careful about closing credit cards and may be better off keeping a card open, even if you are not using it at all. In this case, this can positively help to diversify your credit.We also previously covered the ways in which paying off a loan can cause a small, often temporary drop in your credit score. Student loans are particularly susceptible to this, as it is often one of the oldest accounts an adult may have.So does that mean you shouldn’t pay off your loans completely and should never close any credit cards? Of course not! It just means you sho uld be prepared for a possible credit drop and keep an eye on your score so you are not caught by surprise if you undergo a credit check soon afterwards.No. 2: Identity theftThese days, it feels like there is a new massive hack or data breach every other week. If your information has been stolen, you could find yourself facing credit drops you were not expecting.“Identity theft is one reason your credit score may suddenly drop,†said Justin Lavelle, chief communications officer for “One way this can happen is via a data breach involving a company’s customer’s records being accessed in a fraudulent manner. These records often include the customer’s name, social security number, date of birth, home address, and driver’s license number.â€Lavelle explained how once a thief has access to this information, they can make as many purchases as they want or attempt to take out credit in your name. As you might imagine, this can tank your credit score before yo u even realize it has happened.“Once you have been the victim of credit fraud, an extended fraud alert â€" lasting seven years â€" may be placed on your account until you authorize that it be lifted,†Lavelle said. Once this is in place, lenders must take additional steps in verifying your identity.“If you suspect that you’ve been the victim of credit fraud, you can request an initial fraud alert be placed on your credit score for 90 days. This way, lenders must notify you when any new credit inquiries are made using your personal information. It also gives you the option to permanently remove your name from prescreened offers for 5 years.â€There is only so much you can do to prevent someone from stealing your identity, so it is important to pay close attention to your credit report and finances.No. 3: ForeclosureWhen it comes to finances, unfortunately, the poor often get poorer and one financial setback can leave you further behind. It certainly is not fair, but you shoul d be wary of it, especially if you are in dire straits with your finances.“Foreclosure can have many negative ramifications within your life, including hurting your credit score,†Allec said. “A lost home can lead to the ratings agencies deciding you are more of a credit risk and a corresponding drop in your score. However, many people didn’t realize this in 2008/2009 when housing prices were impacted. It was only after the housing market recovered that millions of Americans learned their credit had been negatively impacted.â€To avoid the risk of foreclosure, Allec suggested avoiding mortgages you will not be able to easily handle. For example, consider avoiding mortgages that require balloon payments and see if renting might make the most sense at the moment.No. 4: Credit checksYou will likely need to undergo a credit check at some point, whether it is for a loan, credit card, or any number of other things. If you are subjected to a soft credit check, it will not affect yo ur credit report and you may not even be aware it happened.Hard credit checks, on the other hand, require your permission, so you should know that you will have a brief and small credit dip before you accept. As long as you are prepared, you should be able to manage it.No. 5: Credit bureau mistakesFinally, there are times when your credit can drop because the bureaus simply make a mistake.“Did you know that the rating agencies often make mistakes when recording people’s credit?†Allec asked. “One company, Equifax, was hacked and exposed millions of people’s data. Other agencies have been documented to make mistakes where they routinely confuse different people and negatively lower the wrong person’s credit score.â€Allec recommends taking advantage of a free yearly credit report to check for any anomalies and ensure a bureau error doesn’t negatively affect you.Getting ahead of the curveYour credit will go up and down throughout the course of your financial life. As lon g as you know what causes those fluctuations to happen, you can work to make the ups more common than the downs.ContributorsLogan Allec is a CPA and owner of the personal finance website Money Done Right. After spending his twenties grinding it out in the corporate world and paying off more than $35,000 in student loans, he dropped everything, and in 2017, launched Money Done Right. His mission is to help everybodyâ€"from college students to retireesâ€"make, save, and invest more money. He resides in the Los Angeles area with his wife Caroline. Follow him on Twitter @moneydoneright.Justin Lavelle is chief communications officer for and a leading expert on identity theft and scams. BeenVerified is a leading source of online background checks and contact information. It allows individuals to find more information about people, including phone numbers, email addresses, property records, marital status, and criminal records in a way that’s fast, easy, and afford able. Follow him @BeenVerified.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
From the Dark Tower by Countee Cullen and As I Grew Older...
Two poems titled â€Å"From the Dark Tower†by Countee Cullen and â€Å"As I Grew Older†by Langston Hughes. Both of these poems came from the Harlem Renaissance Era and they deal with the hard times African Americans faced in society beginning during the 1920’s. Hughes and Cullen put together these ideas in two different methods; however, the underlying messages were very alike. When I first read the poems, I noticed how both of the speakers found the tremendous challenges all African Americans had gone through. The speaker of â€Å"From the Darker Tower†identifies as someone who endures this struggle as well because he says, â€Å"we were not made eternally to weep,†which did not only prove that the speaker is an African American but also builds trust between the readers and the speaker by showing that he is feeling the horrible pain of discrimination and that they are all alone in this battle. The speaker of Hughes’ poem uses the pronou n â€Å"I†such as in the line, â€Å"†¦I had almost forgotten my dream. But it was there then, and then when the wall rose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and although this establishes the fact that he’s an African American as well, it shows the readers the struggle of an individual opposed to that of the struggle for the entire race. I also felt that the poems were appealing and insightful because of the differences they had in common and how the use of different symbolic objects can transmit a similar message. For example, at first, I did not comprehend the connection between the titles
Intermediate Financial Management Free Essays
BA – 316 Project Part 1 Identify a company Look at financial statements (from previous years, at least one year) Conduct ratio analysis. Use Dupont equation from results.. We will write a custom essay sample on Intermediate Financial Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now Make a financial statement Organize and Analyze Statements Make recommendations – how will you improve the forecast Strengths, weaknesses, etc. Part 2 Forecasting – Statistical Analysis Standard Goal of 10% Determine location of new funds (borrowing, issuance of stocks, capital) ? page to 1 page proposal before starting project Chapter 2 Homework – (5 , 9) Mini Case (a – i), (#12 for 08/31) *Mini Case (j – m) for 09/12 Correlation Coefficient - Degree of variability Possibilities of economy on investments ProbabilityRate of Return A Pessimistic. 2513% Likely. 5015% Optimistic. 2517% Realized Rate of Return Correlation Coefficient ***Calculate Correlation of Coefficient for these stocks Stocks X, Y, and Z Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Avg? X8%10%12%14%16%12%3. 16 Y16%14%12%10%8%12%3. 16 Z8%10%12%14%16%12%3. 16 Correlation – A statistical measure of the relationship between the rates of return of two assets Correlation Coefficient – A statistical measure of the degree of the relationship between the rates of return of two assets. Positively Correlated – Describes two rates of return that move in the same direction Negatively Correlated- Describes two rates of return that move in opposite directions ?= t=1n(ri,t-ri,avg)(rj,t – rj,avg)t=1nri,t-ri,avg2t=1nrj,t – rj,avg2 Yearr ? xryrz 18%16%8%Rxy= 2101410 3121212Rxz= 4141014 516816 Diversifiable Risk Company-specific risk Unsystematic risk SP, NASDAQ, Dow Jones Non-Diversifiable Risk Market Risk Systematic Risk The risk of a portfolio depends on the correlation coefficient of returns on the assets within the portfolio. 1. If rate of return of two assets are perfectly positively correlated, R = 1 2. If rate of return of two assets are perfectly negatively correlated, R = -1 3. If rate of return of two assets are independent, -1 R 1 Beta Coefficient – b Measure of the risk that one asset can contribute to a portfolio ry = a + b(rM) When beta is positive, it means that the stock moves with the market And vice-versa if beta is negative Beta measures the non-diversifiable risk of an asset. Find Correlation Coefficient (as a portfolio) Calculate beta – Use SP What should be the risk of the portfolio? **Pick a pair Exxon BP Walmart Kroger Verizon ATT Toyota Ford CAPM – Capital Asset Pricing Model A model that describes the relationship between the required rate of return and the non-diversifiable risk of a portfolio rMrxryrz 55102. 5 1010205 1515307. 5 20204010 25255012. 5 30306015 r17. 517. 5358. 75 b1120. 50 ?111 bx= ? rx? rm? xm = ? x? m? xm SML Equation – ri = rrf + (rm – rrf)bi IF rm = 9% RRF = 3% bA = 0. 5 bB= 1 bC= 2 Slope of SML line provides the riskiness of the market, aka market risk premium. Chapter 3 – page 76 Optimal Portfolio Homework (#7) Covariance COVAB = i=1nrAi- rArBi- rBPi ProbabilityAsset AAsset BAsset CAsset DAsset E .158%4%12%2%4% .20861046 .3088878 .2081061210 .1581241612 r ? 88888 ?02. 522. 524. 662. 52 COV COVxy= ? x ? y(? xy) Solve COVBD, COVBE, COVCD Calculate risk without beta ?p= wx2? x2+(1-w)y2? y2+2w(1-w)? xy? x? y Two key factors for investing How much is the rate of return What is the risk involved If COV is large positive Portfolio standard deviation will be between the two stand-alone deviations If COV is large negative Portfolio standard deviation will be minimized (lower than the lowest one) Analyzing portfolio options Asset AAsset B r ? 5%8% ?410 wawbr ? p 100%05. 0 75%25%5. 75 50%50%6. 5 25%75%7. 25 0100%8. 0 ?p ?ab = 1? ab = 0? ab = -1 Linear relationship between increases in portion changes of asset A vs. asset B Percentage change in risk also remains constant if perfectly positively or perfectly negatively correlated Look into financial statements for project, bring to class 09-28 r ? A = 5% ?A = 4% r ? B = 8% ?B = 10% wAwbr ab = 1? ab = 0 ? ab = -1 100%0%5%444 75255. 755. 53. 90. 5 50506. 57. 05. 43. 0 25757. 258. 57. 66. 5 01008. 010. 010. 010. 0 Plot rate of return on y-axis and risk on x-axis The feasible set will be determined Most Efficient portfolio Provides maximum expected rate of return with the least risk. The capital market line Shows the possibility that investors could have an efficient portfolio outside of the feasible set Short-term borrowing and short-term lending How to cite Intermediate Financial Management, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The San Andreas Fault free essay sample
The San Andreas Fault is an intense, significant geological feature that greatly affected the passionate study of earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault influenced the notable geological characteristics such as wealthy minerals and created rare, breath-taking sceneries. This catastrophic geological feature motivated scientists to learn more of its powers and what we can do to better prepare for it earthquakes. I chose this geological feature because it constantly changes and affects the reoccurrence of earthquakes and its various severity levels. Before learning about the San Andrea Fault, I thought it had similar characteristics of a volcanoâ€â€it has tendencies to erupt and it can eternally become dormant. After reading and researching this geological feature, I realized that I have a lot more to know and understand. My motivation for this paper is enlighten my audience about why the San Andreas Fault is dangerously important in geological history. The San Andreas Fault is one of the world’s oldest geological features and yet still one of the youngest geological features according to Geologists. We will write a custom essay sample on The San Andreas Fault or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The San Andreas Fault was formed over 25 million years ago. The San Andreas Fault is located California and it sits between the North American (East side) and Pacific Ocean (West side) lithospheric plates. California is commonly recognized as being a major part of the Circum-pacific Belt or what some may call, â€Å"Ring of Fire. †The Circum-Pacific Belt is shaped like a â€Å"horseshoe†of lively seismic energy. Earthquakes, tectonic plate boundaries, and volcanoes are stationed along this belt-line. The San Andreas Fault was created because of the strike and slipping motions of the North American moving in the south direction and Pacific Ocean moving in the north direction. The San Andreas Fault is commonly known as a transform fault. A transform fault is made when two plates slip and slide past one another on a vertically positioned fault surface. The â€Å"cracked†surface of the San Andreas Fault line stretches over 800 miles and is over 9 miles deep within the Earth. The plates within the San Andreas Fault line are slowly and constantly moving in a horizontal direction. Geologists have studied and concluded that the plates are moving past one another at an average distance of couple or so inches a year. These extremely slow moving motions that these plates are making will eventually create tension. The tension within the fault is caused when the plates lock up (plates can remain locked for years). Over several years, the locked plates will buildup extreme tensions and break the rocks along the fault line. The pressured plates begin to slip and strike a few more feet in one setting. The breakage of rocks signals out seismic waves in several routes that we recognize as earthquakes.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Briana Thomas Essays - Human Resource Management, Competence
Briana Thomas Essays - Human Resource Management, Competence Briana Thomas SOC/110 Group Communication Competencies Survey and Summary Week 1 After adding up all of my number my total score was 132. . There are certain skills that one must possess to help a person to be able to engage in a group setting. Some of the ways I think I can improve my competency would be to reduce my nervousness when speaking in a discussion or a meeting. Another competency I would want to better for myself would be communicating more and actively listening to others . At my current job I am required to speak a lot during meetings about diff erent approaches to better our department. I am very nervous about what if my team members or even my manger are not pleased with the points I have brought to the table . I do not speak up a lot due to the fact that I do not feel like my answers are good enough . To better my communication and active listen I would have to actually listen and not be so nervous that I am just waiting for it all to be over. Working in a group setting can enhance my learning on how to communicate and share collective information . L istening to other members of your group will help stimulate critical thinking and challenge each person's thought. These two skills I would have never thought are very important in group settings until reading this chapter. In order to be a leader of a group as well as team member you need all of these skills listed in the chapter. By h aving the ability to engage in a group helps a person to be able to make suggestions, listen to others sugge stions or their ideas, and most of all being able to take the respo nsibility of leading the group By having these skills will help me while in school life and in my everyday life. I will do the best I can to improve the competencies skills needed to eff ectively work with a group .
Monday, March 2, 2020
Definition and Examples of Broken-Record Responses
Definition and Examples of Broken-Record Responses Definition In communication studies, the broken-record response is the conversational strategy of forestalling further discussion by repeating the same phrase or sentence over and over. also called the broken-record technique. Depending on the circumstances, the broken-record response may be a negative politeness strategy or a comparatively tactful way of avoiding an argument or a power struggle.With the broken-record technique, says Suzie Hayman, it is important to use some of the same words over and over again in different sentences. This reinforces the main part of your message and prevents others raising red herrings or diverting you from your central message (Be More Assertive, 2010). Examples and Observations [The professor] was totally blowing me off. Every time I tried to get the conversation going, all he kept saying was, Well, its a real controversial point.(Peter Taylor, Penny J. Gilmer, and Kenneth George Tobin, Transforming Undergraduate Science Teaching. Peter Lang, 2002) What are you looking for? Terri chirped from above me. Ill help you find it, and you can help me win the contest.Im not listening to you. Im not listening to you. Im not listening to you, I said while I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.(Mary Carter, Accidentally Engaged. Kensington, 2007) A coworker once recalled sleeping on a couch in the inventors Baltimore home. It was a time when shops were regularly sending delaminated and bent skis back to [Howard] Head. I woke up, the worker said, and I heard Howard in the next room. I know Im right, youre wrong! Im right, youre wrong! Howard never gave up- even in his sleep.(John Fry, Heads Easy-to-Turn Metal Ski Helped Turn America On to Skiing. Ski magazine, November 2006) My family loves actioncontrol freaks, every last one of them. Stagnation, lack of progress, and the loss of a consecutive narrative were all unbearable to them. I could only offer the broken-record response, What more is there to say? I feel exactly the same today as yesterday. I became so disgusted with having the same discussion again and again that I found it easier simply to evade such conversations and so begin a strategy of avoidance.(Lynne Greenberg, The Body Broken: A Memoir. Random House, 2009) The Broken-Record Response in the Classroom The broken record uses a precise statement that explains what the expectation is and the consequence of not following through. An example is: I know you are a social person and really want to talk to your friends now, but this is the time devoted to writing in the journal. You need to go to your desk and write. If you do not write, you do not earn points.The student has been affirmed, given the direction, and knows the consequences when the teacher request is ignored. Separate our emotion and stay with the facts. Decide if you will repeat the broken record response two or more times, but follow through with the consequence.(Robert Wandberg and Roberta Kaufman, Powerful Practices for High-Performing Special Educators. Corwin, 2010) The Broken-Record Response in Medical Settings This technique of calmly repeating your decision is called the broken record response. It will help you stand firm against even the most aggressive person without increasing the level of conflict.The broken record technique may be especially helpful if you ever have to deal with a drug-seeking or otherwise persistent patient.(Robyn Gohsman, Medical Assisting Made Incredibly Easy: Law and Ethics. Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2008)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Managing People Based on TyCoffi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Managing People Based on TyCoffi - Essay Example It is also important the new staffs recruited are provided with adequate training on the functioning in the organization and on technical skills needed undertake activities. The present project seeks to develop and design a complete set of HR practices for the purpose. This includes an effective and competitive compensation and rewards strategy, training and development strategy and a communication strategy aimed at motivating and retaining staffs in the organization. A complete list of recommendations is provided for each of the above activities in the organization. HR Practices Compensation and rewards strategy One of the most important components of a company’s human resource strategies is its compensation and rewards structure. Compensation and rewards need to be designed not only as per the strategic objectives of the firm but must also be competitive in the market. Moreover they must also be designed to meet the requirements of employees such that they remain motivated a nd loyal to the company. Mere increase in salaries only helps to motivate employees for a short span of time and does not leave any permanent impact. Thus salaries must be complemented with a proper reward structure which is directly linked with the performance of employees (Armstrong, Cummins, Hastings & Wood, 2005, p131). Since Mike has strong egalitarian views, it is important that there is equitable compensation in the organization. TyCoffi must not maintain any pay secrecy. The compensation structure must be absolutely transparent to the employees. This would indicate that TyCoffi does not have any defensible compensation system (Cale & Tate, 2011, p.124). This strategy would be beneficial in gaining confidence of the people on the management’s fair-handedness and concerns people leaving the organization would reduce. The first way of determining pay structure is to establish a competency based pay structure. This is mainly to draw the distinction between the House Manag ers, Assistants and the Baristas. The three category of employees have different set of skills and competency based on which their basic salaries are to be determined. The rate of pay increases must also be linked with the same set of competencies and skills. This strategy is particularly beneficial in motivating employees to gain additional skills and competencies and acquire new knowledge (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2011, p.383). A performance based pay is particularly recommended for the baristas and the House Managers. This is mainly intended towards motivating employees towards performing better or improving their performance. Since baristas are directly associated with the customers and remain in close contact with them, the level of customer satisfaction depends on the kind of service that they provide. Thus associating their pay with performance would help to enhance their performance standards through improved delivery of services. This would not only help to better their o wn performance but improve reputation and goodwill of the company too (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2011, p.383). Apart from the baristas, the House Managers are also responsible for the performance of their respective team of baristas; thus linking their pay with
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Training and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Training and development - Essay Example However, to achieve supremacy within the related domains, training and development should be allotted the best possible resources and time. The systems approach (model) towards training and development is significantly drawn up because it pinpoints how its four different phases of needs assessment, program design, implementation and evaluation are shaped up within the reins of an organization. These are for the eventual basis of the employees themselves, because there is a great deal of importance on how the employees would be able to give in their best time and again. Within the needs assessment, the analysis of the organization is done so as to find out where the employees are lacking and what the organization can provide to them as a result of the same. Then on, the task analysis is looked upon at with a greater concentration because this deems significance for finding out what kind of need the employees have within their fore. When the task analysis gets completed, the organizati on moves on to the next phase of needs assessment which is the personnel analysis where each and every employee who requires training and development is determined with regards to his professional strengths and weaknesses.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Zora Neale Hurston: The Woman and the Writer Essay -- Essays Papers
Zora Neale Hurston: The Woman and the Writer To most people, the name Zora Neale Hurston is associated solely with Their Eyes Were Watching God, her most famous work. In some cases her name is synonymous with the Harlem Renaissance. However, very few people are informed about the aspects of Zora's life that influenced her writing of Their Eyes , nor do they know about how she arrived in New York to become one of the most famous Black female writers of her time. Robert Hemenway's Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Biography and Valerie Boyd's Wrapped in Rainbows: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston both seek to educate people about the life of this writer and to give the reader information about her other literary works. Both authors also draw from other sources to tell the story of Zora's life, including interviews with friends and colleagues and Zora's own words. However, the differences are apparent in terms of what Hemenway and Boyd chose to emphasize and what they do not. In the introduction of Zora Neale Hurston , Hemenway discusses his objectives in writing the biography. â€Å"Zora Neale Hurston is a literary artist of sufficient talent to deserve intensive study, as an artist and as an intellect,†he writes. â€Å"She deserves an important place in American literary history†(Hemenway xx). In writing the biography, Hemenway is hoping to help push Hurston into her rightful place in the history and achievements of American literary tradition. He also explains that, as a White male author, he does not feel that writing a â€Å" ‘definitive'†biography is his job. He feels that â€Å"a definitive book†¦.[should] be written†¦by a black woman†(Hemenway xx). His main objective in writing Zora Neale Hurston was â€Å"to contribute a new, closer exami... ...ry Louis and McKay, Nellie Y. New York: 1997. 1 Hemenway's interest in critical analysis of her work as well as his audience seems to be explained by his background as an educator. He is currently chancellor of the University of Kentucky, and has been for over thirty years. 2Crisis was the name of the NAACP's magazine during the Harlem Renaissance. 3 Jessie Fauset was another Black female writer of the Harlem Renaissance. According to Norton , she was responsible for the encouragement and discovery of many famous Black Harlem Renaissance writers (Gates and McKay 951). 4 Richard Bruce Nugent, who was, as Boyd puts it, â€Å"chronically broke,†lived with Zora briefly and sometimes used her apartment to work on his writing. 5 Madam C.J. Walker was America's first Black self-made millionaire, who was the creator of many hair care products for Black women.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
On Migrant Imaginaries by Schmidt-Camacho and Borderlands/La Frontera by Anzaldua
In Migrant Imaginaries Schmidt-Camacho provides a view on the transnational movements of Mexican migrants toward United States from the 1920s onwards. The relationship between the Mexican culture and the social movements created by the migration is analyzed through the focus on some important historical moments (the 1930s, the Chicano Movement, contemporary globalization and neoliberalism).Borderlands/la Frontera is a text that deals with the concept of ‘border’ not only in the physical but also in the figurative meaning; Anzaldua uses her own experiences as a Chicana, as a lesbian and as an activist to challenge the conception of a border as a simple divide. In both texts, what stands up most is how identity could be a difficult concept to define due to the implication that the migration and the condition of migrant dictate on people. What does the term â€Å"identity†mean for a migrant?This is the question, that in my opinion is raised by the reading of the wor ks by Schmidt-Camacho and Anzaldua. Usually identity is an umbrella term used throughout the social sciences to describe a person's conception and expression of their individuality or group affiliations (such as national identity and cultural identity). But this conception of identity is challenged everyday in migrant communities by the circumstances of their lifestyle in a different country and to define it correctly one have to analyze all the consequences of the cross-boarding.In order to outline the different ways both texts lead to a deep comprehension of the concept of Identity in migrant communities, I will develop the ideas of migrant melancholia and mestiza consciousness, as they are provided from the texts, comparing and contrasting the two points of views and pointing out how in the end both concepts are useful to define the status of migrant. Migrant melancholia as defined by Camacho as, â€Å"†¦ an emergent mode of migrant subjectivity that contests the dehumanizi ng effects of the unauthorized border crossing. †(286).The condition of border crosser causes a sort of depression that derives from the consciousness, of the necessity of emigration. By leaving their home country, migrants mark the â€Å"the loss of a social contract†¦behind their willful journey away from the spaces of communal belonging and citizenship, the specter of state failure looms large†. Mexican migrants are pushed to leave their home country by the inadequacy of the economic situation, â€Å"the ethical imperative to survive cannot conform to the geopolitical fiction of sovereign borders†. Due to the U. S. mmigration policies making the possibility of circular migration unavailable to many migrants, once accepted in to the U. S. , migrants fear they will not be allowed to re enter the U. S. , should they return to Mexico. Migrants move to settle for ever and the home country turn into a beloved object whose loss is mourned as the one of a belove d relative. The relationship between the migrant, his home country and the new country in which he moves is shaped by the circumstances of the border-crossing as well as the new conditions that the migrant faces in his new life.In Borderland/la Frontera Anzaldua describes the complexity of being a Mestiza. To fully understand the text is necessary first to analyze what the term means and what are the implication of labeling someone as a mestizo; according to an article published on the Feminist Theory Keyword website (a project by Women’s Studies students at Portland State University) by using the word Mestiza Anzaldua is automatically expressing a multitudes of races and enclosing in this one word a series of cultural and ideological consequences. You can think of it as a contradiction within itself. Because as a Mestiza you do not belong to one category but intertwine with a range of others. However, this does not bring absolute acceptance. A Mestiza has indigenous ancestry but also shares current civilization blood and traditions. She is ambiguous and has no actual place she can call home. Like a drifting spirit she spends her time trying to figure out who she is, where she belongs and how she got in this current situation†.Both concepts of migrant melancholia and mestiza consciousness deal with the difficulty of find an only definition for the identity of the migrants, the ones who are leaving their own country but even the ones who are already settled in a new land. The struggle between who they really are, their origins, traditions, the attachment to their home country and what they are forced to be and to do by life circumstances. Workers who try to integrate in a society that points at them as aliens that belong to a different reality.Another topic that both books highlight is how the established power of state governments challenge the identity of migrants. In Migrant imaginaries the focus is on how the Mexican state pushes their citizens to run away from their country by being unable to provide social security amongst other things. Furthermore this text shows the emotional plight of the migrants, particularly their feelings of disappointment in their home state. Whereas in Borderland/La Frontera the text discusses the difficulties faced by migrants once they have crossed the border into the U. S. as well as their feelings when they try to integrate into the new society. The two books address different perspectives of the migrants journey, Schmidt-Camacho is more concerned in criticizing the historical and economical issues that derive from the migration, while Azaldua deals with the emotional consequences of these social movements. From this the reader can fully understand the two different pressures placed upon the migrants when moving between cultures.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Is Management An Art Or Science - 1851 Words
Loui Vuitton, Dior and Burberry appear to be the top Fashion Brands in the world in Wonderlist (2015). Without the combination of both art and science those brands would not be the successful brands they are today. This also applies to change management as, it also needs both art and science. The Oxford Dictionary (2015) defines art as, ‘†¦human creativity and social life†¦ a skill at doing a specified thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ That suggest that in management, art is the creation of new ideas and the involvement for everyone to have their opinion heard. The Oxford Dictionary (2015) defines science as, ‘ The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation†¦show more content†¦This role comes with the responsibilities to be able to know everything that is going on and manage how things are done to ensure for the best outcomes. Management is a combination of ideas, tactics, being creative and meeting deadlines. In order to be an effective manager you have to ensure that everyone in the organisation is happy with the ideas and that they also have a voice and contribution to new things. One of the main things that a manager needs to be effective is to be creative. The creation of new ideas appears to be a very important quality to have in order to be fresh (Adler, 2015). So often conflict starts in an organisation if the manager does not communicate enough with their employees. A way in which that is resolved is by keeping everyone up-to-date and involved in all that they need to know and it to make sure everyone has a say and a chance to share their ideas. It seems that a problem that occurs a lot is that the scientists are always so close to what is happening whereas the artist likes to take a step back and look at the overall picture to see what could be improved or changed. Perfection is what the artist looks for and to accomplish that it involves hard work and time (Puu, 2015). The scientist is the person who always makes sure that deadlines are met and that everyone is kept on the right track, including the artist. It is found that the artist sometimes goes of on
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